On March 14, 2024 at 14:00 EET, Ionuț Țuțu (IMAR) will give a talk in the Logic Seminar.
Title: An institution-theoretic approach to bisimilarity
Bisimulation relations play a crucial role in both process algebra and modal logic, highlighting the close connection between the two areas of science. In the former, they witness the behavioural equivalence of processes, whereas in the latter, they lead to important characterizations of modal expressivity. In this talk, we briefly revisit labelled transition systems, bisimulation relations, and their connections with process algebra and modal logic, looking for general patterns that apply to a variety of calculi and logics. We present stratified institutions, introduce an institution-theoretic notion of bisimulation, and sketch a few Hennessy-Milner results relating bisimilarity to elementary equivalence.
The talk will take place physically at FMI (Academiei 14), Hall 214 “Google”.